Know about a crime?
Report your anonymous tip to:
316-267-2111 or
Online or
Through Our Free Mobile App
For Crimes in Progress call 9-1-1

Commonly Asked Questions

Q: Is Crime Stoppers truly anonymous?
A: Yes. Tips can be submitted by one of three ways. Tips are submitted by calling the tip hotline, by submitting an online form, or by submitting a tip through the FREE mobile P3 app. Crime Stoppers uses secure methods that do not track information about the tipster, which in turn protects the tipster. You will never be asked for any identifying information. You will never have face - to - face contact with a law enforcement representative or anyone with Crime Stoppers.
Q: Can I contact Crime Stoppers instead of calling 911?
A: Crime Stoppers should never be used in place of calling 911, especially during emergencies and active situations. We are not the law enforcement wing of the Crime Stoppers partnership, and therefore we do not have control over police responses. We encourage citizens to cooperate with police and provide information to law enforcement.
Q: What happens after I call the hotline number, submit a tip through the app, or submit an online form?
A: You will be given a code number and password which will allow you to call back with additional information. It will also allow you to login to the website and app to update information to your tip that was submitted. It is important that you keep those numbers in safe location. You will not be eligible to receive a reward if you are unable to provide them. It is also important that you check on the status of a tip from time to time in case Crime Stoppers has contacted you.
Q: If my tip leads to an arrest will I be paid?
A: If your tip leads to a felony arrest, you will be eligible for a cash reward. All tips are presented to the Crime Stoppers Advisory Committee, which votes to approve rewards on a monthly basis. You must retain your tip ID and password in order for a reward transaction to take place. If you cannot confirm these numbers, you will not receive the reward.
Q: How do I do I know what has happened with a tip I submitted?
A: You may communicate with Crime Stoppers using the two-way dialog through the app and website at any time. You may also call the call center to check for a status on the tip.
Q: Will my tip be investigated?
A: All tips are initially investigated before being sent to an investigative unit or law enforcement agency. However, it is ultimately up to law enforcement to take action. It is important to be as detailed as possible about the crime being reported. The more information you provide, the easier it is to begin an investigation. Some tips are not criminal in nature, and therefore may not be investigated. If you would like to know you can always communicate through the tip or the call center, if you keep your tip ID and password.
Q: How long will it take for me to receive a reward after I submit a tip?
A: Tip conclusion varies case by case. Some investigations may last a few days to a few weeks, and some may take several months. Law enforcement has to build solid cases to make felony arrests, and doing so may take time. It is important to be patient and to check the status of a tip with Crime Stoppers. You may do so by logging into www.p3tips.com, by calling the hotline, or by logging into your mobile P3 account. You must have your tip ID and password to check the status.
Q: How will I know that my tip led to an arrest, and then what happens?
A: Crime Stoppers will inform you through the tip that you submitted on the P3 website, app, or through the Call Center when you call in to check the status. You will be given instructions to call a Crime Stoppers phone line during a scheduled date and time. During that time, you will be given further instructions on picking up the reward. Rewards are distributed on a monthly basis.